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  • Writer's pictureDebra Gaines

How did this happen?

This isn’t at all how I imagined things would look for me at 51, yet here I am! Where is my medical (or law) degree, who took my Lamborghini and more importantly, where did my waistline go?!

Okay, I know the answers to all of these and all roads lead back to me, I made those choices and I don't regret a thing. While I may change a few things, I am just fine with things as they are.

It turns out that life wasn't destined to be one long John Hughes movie or a typical 80's sitcom. Things don't always turn out perfectly. Every crisis won't be wrapped up nicely with a

Teenage girl with short hair sitting on a bed reading a German guidebook in 1988
1988 Germany - checking out a guidebook while traveling with friends through Europe

big bow on top in a timeframe of 30 - 90 minutes. We've all learned that life gets messy and sometimes it stays messy. We lose people and then we gain new people into our lives. It's the ebb and flow of life that makes it all so interesting.

When I look back on the things I thought I would have in my life, I feel inspired to know that it is not too late. I can still have those things. Do I still want them? Not really. I should start work on that waistline for the sake of my health; not that super sleek bod and jet-set lifestyle I had planned on.

So for today, I'll sit down with old photo albums and memorabilia to reminisce. I'll probably even laugh a little about how crazy some of those ideas were in 1987 at my wizened age of 16. Then I will FaceTime my adorable 3 year old grandson to learn the important news of the day. Important stuff like, did the rain stop so he could go swimming today and listening to his insights regarding a shopping trip with Daddy to buy a new vacuum cleaner. I'll end the day with a smile because I know that I am right where I am supposed to be at 51.

Woman sitting with arms outstretched on long bench in front of wall of live green ferns backing a white neon script sign "Save water - drink champagne"
Save water drink champagne - Debra Gaines onboard Virgin Voyages Scarlet Lady

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