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  • Writer's pictureDebra Gaines

A winter ride on The Trans-Siberian Express across Russia

Updated: Sep 10, 2022

The Trans-Siberian Express…it just sounds exotic and edgy. I love edgy and exotic, so the Trans-Siberian Express train ride has been on my radar for a quite a while. The fact that you can go high end luxury or bare bones makes this an intriguing adventure for anyone. The reality is that very few trains are “touristy”, and most are simply used daily by the citizens to travel from point A to Point B which only enhances the travel experience in my opinion.

The option I will choose if/when the time comes is the 6-night run from Moscow to Beijing via Mongolia in the winter. It crosses Siberia then Mongolia and the Gobi Desert before entering China. Many claim this is the most interesting run of the 3 options. For those looking to end the trip in Russia, the Moscow to Vladivostok route will fit the bill. It takes 8 nights but gives you a picturesque view of the Russian landscape. The 3rd option will take a little over 6 days and it originates in Moscow and ends in China via Manchuria.

You will find that tried and true train travel aficionados often feel that flying to Moscow to catch the Trans-Siberian Express is “cheating”. It is said that you truly cannot claim to have completed the Europe to Asia trek if you do not begin in London. Surprisingly enough, starting in London appears to cost less than the added flight to Moscow so if you have a few days to burn, you may want to consider it.

The accommodations across the various trains that travel this route go from one extreme to the other. The Golden Eagle will wrap you in luxury and provide hotels, tours and amazing dining along the way starting around $22,000.00 per person. Unless there is a lottery win in my future, I will have to choose an alternative and truly that sounds more exciting to me. I travel to learn more about the world and its people. Being stuck in a “tourist” bubble does not usually allow you to truly get a feel for a region so fortunately my wallet and my travel style agree this time.

So, there you have it. My vacation inspiration for the week. Of course, there is a lot more involved in taking this journey than hopping on the train. I recommend working with a professional travel planner to assist you in booking the multiple components, navigating the various visas, COVID-19 requirements, etc. If you would like more information on choosing the right travel professional, let me know and if you have taken this journey, feel free to comment below and share your thoughts and tips.

Remember to always travel and explore more!


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